Motorcycles are a perfect example of a piece of machinery that most people either want to own or already do. This sexy orange beast is the perfect example! Check out the smooth lines and the flaming accents!

The time and money spent on making your motorcycle special just shows how much it means to you, so use only the best coatings. The exterior needs to shine the way you do when you ride it, and you can accomplish this with powder coatings! You can see your reflection in this maroon bike that used custom powder coatings.

Powder coatings can be applied to anything made of metal. The greens applied to this ride are ingenious! Whether you just want a clear protective coat on your existing bike or just an overall hot remodel with a new sporty look like this, OpenThrottle has the right powder coatings for your motorcycle.

OpenThrottle offers first rate powders aimed at helping you keep the outside of your motorcycle in long lasting tip top shape and looking great. If you have a sports bike or race often, you need to keep the exterior of your bike stable. Powder coatings provide this capability.

There are over 76,000 high-quality powder coating colors and effects to choose from. From shimmering metallic shades to candy colors and even chrome effect powders, OpenThrottle has you covered. They not only cover the outside of your bike, but anything metal on your motorcycle can have powder coatings for protection and/or looks!

Since OpenThrottle can protect anything made of metal on your bike, the parts of your motorcycle can be safeguarded too! Ever wondered about heat resistant powders? They’re available in darker colors and work great. There are some awesome possibilities and benefits with powder coatings!

Why do we love motorcycles so much? Is it an adrenaline rush? Is it the“Ride or Die” bike club mentality or do we just need them for a little weekend fun? Whatever the reason may be, there’s always room for improvements, especially for those who ride their bikes a lot. It’s easy to update and continually improve your motorcycle by powder coating key parts.

With all the bumps and weathering that motorcycles encounter, you need to safeguard your bike’s exterior with a defensive finish. That’s where OpenThrottle comes in. Tough, hard working powders deliver durability, sustainability, better scratch and abrasion resistance than liquid paint, and they come in a huge array of over colors and effects for you to choose from. How does over 76,000 sound?

So, how can you protect your “baby” from the elements when you are on the road? Luckily, powder applied to properly pretreated aluminum provides first rate corrosion resistance, impact resistance, and even some scratch and mar resistance, in a professional high-quality finish. There is no need to worry about the exterior of your beautiful motorcycle.

Feel confident with your choice of OpenThrottle Powder Coating. As well as our stock products, we have a world class range of powders in many different chemistries so you can choose what’s best for you to offer incredible protection for your bike. Different types of powders offer different benefits, but the right one can offer incredible protection to help with corrosion protection, chemical resistance, and weathering issues.

The thought process behind making any changes to your motorcycle can be daunting, but choosing the powder isn’t difficult. OpenThrottle powders have the technical performance, protective qualities and seriously awesome colors to help with everything you need. And the expertise and support to assist.

Powder coatings are also the environmentally responsible choice. There are no VOCs (volatile organic compounds) in powder coatings (a huge advantage over liquid paints) as well as no toxic compounds. Powders can also be reclaimed, reused and recycled. Nice. What’s more powder coatings are recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) so you can be happy with your choice.

So, whether you decide to go with a high gloss clear for the ultimate in shine or get creative with solid or subtly sparkling colors completely repaint it using powder coatings, OpenThrottle has you covered. You pick the color, we will make the OpenThrottle powder, and your powder job shop will do the rest!